U savremenom industrijskom okruženju, zaštita operativnih tehnologija (OT) i industrijskih kontrolnih sistema (ICS) postala je od suštinskog značaja. TXOne Networks nudi specijalizovana rešenja koja se integrišu u različite nivoe Purdue modela, pružajući višeslojnu...
Malware Distribution: If a code signing certificate is compromised, attackers can use it to sign malicious code, making the software or updates appear legitimate. This allows them to distribute malware under the guise of a trusted source. Users are more likely to...
Is securing your business’s data and information security in today’s ever-evolving digital threat landscape keeping you up at night? An effective way to get started is by implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS). ISMS are global standards...
Properly configure system settingsWith seemingly endless individualization settings, the basic security of an SAP system relies on correct configuration, including compliance with rules for system settings, proper program authorization permissions, and SAP system...
First, it is important to note that the full name of ISO 27001 is “ISO/IEC 27001 – Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements.” It is the leading international standard focused on information security,...
What is SIEM? SIEM stands for security, information, and event management. SIEM technology aggregates log data, security alerts, and events into a centralized platform to provide real-time analysis for security monitoring. Security operation centers (SOCs)...
Privileged account management can be defined as managing and auditing account and data access by privileged users. A privileged user is someone who has administrative access to critical systems. For instance, anyone who can set up and delete user...
Why carry out a cybersecurity risk assessment? Risk assessment – the process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risk – is the only way to ensure that the cybersecurity controls you choose are appropriate to the risks your organization faces. Without a risk...
Introduction For every information security professional, one of the aims should be to constantly upgrade the knowledge that they have. The learning strategy can be 70:30 rule, 70% knowledge from experience and rest from formal education and continuous learning. Since...